Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sarah's School Bag

We had came up with only 2 designs for the school bag. Initially, there were designs with only plain colours & without any pictures or cartoon. We feel that the kids will be more attracted to cartoon bags instead. We've also seen kids with cartoon bags, and not those plain boring ones.

The bags we designed were based on the shape that the kids like.
Ladybird Design (34votes)
It is in Sarah's favourite colour. The shape of the bag is to the kids liking. The ladybird compartment is the most attractive element for the bag. It does not only act as a design, it can also contain things. As Sarah loves nature, we put the ladybird design.

Cap Design (43votes)
It is also in Sarah's favourite colour. It is also the shape that kids would like. However, this design is more simple. The strap is the main attraction of the bag. It is red in colour. There is a cap picture is because this shows 'outdoor'. Sarah is a kid who loves outdoor.

We've observed that girls prefer the ladybird bag more than the cap design bag. Of course, there are still girls choosing the cap design bag. We've also realised that the kids choose the cap design bag partly is because of the strap colour is in red.

Therefore, we will be improvising by combining both ideas together. We will be improving on the ladybird bag - changing the strap colour and removing the waterbottle net on the ladybird bag.

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